At what age does imagination stop? And does it stop?

When we get older does our imagination change, evolve, diminish, or just get left on the side?

When you were little, and you laid on the grass looking up at the clouds, you imagined shapes right? Your mind wandered off, and created pictures and stories, creating a flush of adrenaline and filling your head with a one off limited edition movie. But at what point does that stop? And does that stop? If you practice using your imagination are you at high risk of keeping it forever?

Life as you get older can drain on the imagination. By overusing our left brain hemisphere we can override our ability to think openly and see a blank canvas. We can end up struggling with the ability to problem solve, have confidence in new ideas, dream, or have a strong sense of self. This has a direct impact on work, and happiness in life itself.

Do you use your imagination? As if not then here are 7 practical tips towards maintaining a sharp, dreamy, and creamy brain

1. Do something new every day, big or small, fast or slow. Try tea with soya, or buy a new car. Imagining how things can be different will allow you to accept and therefor think of new things.

2. Start doing something creative, develop it as a habit within your every day life. Photography, drawing, drama, dance, all of them, anything that ignites your imagination. Having this physically in your life will naturally develop your ability to think laterally through using the parts of the brain that are responsible for creativity in a progressive way.

3. Have kids, their minds are far more elastic than aged minds can be, or otherwise just act like a kid without apology. Spend time with your children, as they are far funnier than TV.

4. Talk to people, of all ages, and dream together, then challange this. The elder people may know practical ways to consolidate dreams, but then you may find that the younger kids help make those dreams even bigger. Use the words “I wish” as much as possible, as if you don’t even speak about your dreams then the fairy godmother can’t even hear you.

5. Read, a lot, as then you can engage in other peoples imaginations, ideas, stories, and often you get a lot more intelligent in the process.

6. Tell stories, completely imaginary ones. Tell them to your children at bedtime, or just anywhere that is nice. Base your story on a completely fabricated character, or tell a story between 3 people if you don’t want to think of it all yourself. It’s an amazing way to have a fun half an hour, or even 2 hours if you get lost in fairytail space. Let your self ramble on, and see where your mind (and the child’s) will take you.

7. Excersise and take pride in your appearance. Your mind controls your body and your body influences your mind, so it is very important that the two communicate with eachother. The saying goes, “healthy mind, healthy body”, and excersise sessions can also lead to the solution of the most difficult problems that have become acting as a doorstop in life. Why do the problems get solved? Because your mind is relaxed yet focussed, you have higher levels of endorphins in your body, and therefore your subconscious starts naturally flowing into your conscious mind as your body is in motion. Without fear, or even plan your mind will wander often coming across ideas it didn’t even realise were there. Also feeling good about your appearance gives you confidence in yourself, your abilities and your ideas.

So next time your outside, then look up, as the clouds are there, and your imagination is yours to own.

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